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2.4 Ua Webliography

2.4 Ua Webliography

Q INSTRUCTIONS 1. Reference credible websites to research the Gospel of Matthew according to the provided guidelines posted on LMS. 2. Write 2 webliographies, properly citing sources, documenting solid subject matter, and offering personal comments regarding your subjects of interest. Retrieved 2 September 2016, from

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This article focuses on the credibility of the authorship of Matthew in his version of the Gospel. The real-life story of the life of Matthew is highlighted by the authors of the article. There is also a brief comparison of Matthew’s Gospel with the three different versions of the gospel written by the other three apostles of Jesus Christ. The article concludes that Matthew had written the Gospel with a Jewish viewpoint and perspective. Therefore, Matthew had tried to convince the Jewish community about the genealogy and the truth behind the mission of Jesus Christ.